11 months after we raised funds, proud to announce that we have achieved the next step team building we were aiming for. So as from September 1st:
Our long-standing Senior Advisor University Partnerships Matthias Verbeet will extend his reach to key Industrial Partnerships.
Our VP Global Sales & Marketing, Ines Khalfallah who joined us us in November 2021 in Nancy will fully focus on Sales. In a few months she started building great customer connections in France and in our export markets.
Victor Jacquet who joined us on July 1st has taken on the Marketing function in parallel to preparing his installation as Country Manager North America that we plan in Q1 2023. After travelling to Montreal, Boston, New York and Minnesota in March, exhibiting at Bio in June in San Diego and at CRS in Montreal in July, we now wait for AAPS in Boston in October before we definitely choose our location.
Houcem Smairi who joined us in October 2021 is promoted to Manager Global Purchasing, Automation Engineering and Customer Service. In a few months Houcem has confirmed strong existing supplier links in the UK as well as developed new ones in Europe that are now necessary due to our growth. Houcem will remain based in the UK and Kevin Chauvin who joined us as Automation Engineer in Nancy in May will report to him. Both Houcem and Kevin are committed to offering optimum technical service to our customers.
Mael Gallas, our Pharma Development Engineer will ad Quality Management, Mechanical Design and Assembly Operations to his basket. Mael has developed incredibly fast in his previous role and we are happy that he joins the management team. We will now recruit a Mechanical Designer who will report to him.
Also we wish to thank Ramu Nair for his quick stop over at RONDOL: he brought us some good ideas from the car industry and he has now realized that he prefers established organizations to growing start ups which we can very well understand.
Finally Caroline Altimani will continue supporting our growth in her current position of HR & Special Projects. I wish to thank her specially for her involvement in shaping our new organization over these past 11 months.
Prof. Victoire de Margerie
Executive Chairman
